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Re: [cobalt-security] bindshell'... INFECTED (PORTS: 1524 31337)

At 11:01 PM 12/10/01 +0100, you wrote:
Hi Brian,

> Port 31337 is likely just a false positive from Portsentry

I'm not so sure. When Chkrootkit says "bindshell", then this info is pretty
accurate. Chkrootkit never complains about Portsentry.

This is from the chkrootkit website:
"I'm running PortSentry/klaxon. What's wrong with the bindshell test?

If you're running PortSentry/klaxon or another program that binds itself to unused ports probably chkrootkit will give you a false positive on the bindshell test (ports 114/tcp, 465/tcp, 511/tcp, 1008/tcp, 1524/tcp, 1999/tcp, 3879/tcp, 5665/tcp, 10008/tcp, 12321/tcp, 23132/tcp, 27374/tcp, 29364/tcp, 31336/tcp, 31337/tcp, 45454/tcp, 47017/tcp, 47889/tcp, 60001/tcp)."

Of course the only way to know for sure it to shut off PortSentry and then rerun chkrootkit.  Simple enough process. I would think this would be a good first test before going hacker hunting.

Good luck.  I hope for your sake it turn out to be only Portsentry.

BTW, Michael, thanks for your informative post on LSOF and other hacker detection techniques.  I printed that one out, highlighted it and put it in my Server Admin binder. Thanks!
