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Re: [cobalt-security] bindshell'... INFECTED (PORTS: 1524 31337)

Hi Brian,

> This is from the chkrootkit website:
> [snip]
> Of course the only way to know for sure it to shut off PortSentry and then
> rerun chkrootkit.  Simple enough process.

Yepp. I think you are right, IF Portsentry is running in standard mode and 
not "advanced TCP" and/or "advanced UDP" mode. That is what I usually use and 
with that I never had problems in conjunction with Chkrootkit.

In "advanced" mode Portsentry usually only binds to unused ports below 1023. 
In "standard" mode is uses a list defined in the configuration file to bind 
to a whole bunch of ports, many of them above 1023. This sure can cause false 
alarms with many tools.

> Michael, thanks for your informative post on LSOF and other hacker 
> detection techniques.

Hey, no problem. I'm always glad to be of help and am returning just the same 
favours that others gave me when I was the newcommer to linux.


With best regards,

Michael Stauber
Unix/Linux Support Engineer