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Re: [cobalt-security] named: denied update log entires

Thanks Nico

>>I've been getting the below message for a couple of days now and just
>>for a little insight.  I do the DNS and, as you can see, the *denied update*
>>shows it's the correct version of bind on my Raq3.  I have added the
>>IP to hosts.allow, did a */etc/rc.d/init.d/inet restart* then added the IP
>>the route table.
>Don't do that; this is (most probably) a valid customer. He's running
>Windows 2000. I don't run it and forgot what setting this is. It can be
>remedied on the customer's side.

Thanks for the reply - and I saw a similar post almost the same time as mine
with a reply, didn't mean to post the same question twice :)  In my case, is most certainly NOT a customer as Output from ARIN WHOIS
returns: Asia Pacific Network Information Center??? Is it still harmless?