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RE: [cobalt-security] Have I been hacked?

I have run a portscan from outside the box now and these are the results.
(Took me long enough...)

xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :13782 - bpcd                 -- open
xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :13722 - bpjava-msvc          -- open
xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :3306  - mysql                -- open
xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :3001  - nessusd              -- open
xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :3000  - hbci                 -- open
xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :444   - snpp                 -- open
xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :143   - imap                 -- open
xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :110   - pop-3                -- open
xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :81    - hosts2-ns            -- open
xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :80    - http                 -- open
xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :53    - domain               -- open
xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :52    - xns-time             -- open
xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :25    - smtp                 -- open
xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :21    - ftp                  -- open

ftp should be OK because it denies everyone in hosts.deny and allows only me
in hosts.allow.
nessusd - well what can I say, I installed it then couldn't work out how to
use it or switch it off!!!
mysql is OK
pop-3, http, smtp all things we need.
As for the rest I don't know what they are or if there OK? Any thoughts on
whether any of these are suspicious greatly appreciated.
Also as I suspect we have been hacked but can find no evidence on our
regular chkrootkit run or any change in bandwidth usage where else and what
else should I be looking for? Because that tripwire report is still worrying
the hell out of me.
