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Re: [cobalt-security] Have I been hacked?

Hi Simon,

> I have run a portscan from outside the box now and these are the results.
> (Took me long enough...)
> xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :13782 - bpcd                 -- open
> xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :13722 - bpjava-msvc          -- open

the above two are for Veritas.

> xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :3306  - mysql                -- open

MySQL, as it says.

> xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :3001  - nessusd              -- open
> xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :3000  - hbci                 -- open

Chili!Soft ASP

> xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :444   - snpp                 -- open
> xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :81    - hosts2-ns            -- open
> xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :80    - http                 -- open

The above three are for HTTP and Admin interface.

> xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :143   - imap                 -- open
> xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :110   - pop-3                -- open
> xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :25    - smtp                 -- open

Above three are for Email, as it says.

> xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :53    - domain               -- open

> xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :21    - ftp                  -- open

FTP, as it says.

> xxx.xx.xx.xxx  :52    - xns-time             -- open

NOT (!!) normal. I'd inspect that one closer. Also, check if all of the above 
other services are enabled in your Admin interface. For instance: If your 
"Services" tab in the admin interface says, ASP is not activated, but you 
have ports 3001 and 3000 open, then this mismatch should cause concerns.

Port 52 defenitely is suspicious. I wouldn't wonder if that's a hidden SSH 
daemon or other method of entry for unfriendly visitors.

I do this stuff for a living and I could (free of charge) take an inside look 
at your machine and let you know what I find. 


With best regards,

Michael Stauber
Unix/Linux Support Engineer