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Re: [cobalt-security] Psql Backup

On January 17, 2002 at 10:55, Eric Frisch wrote:
> Mark Anderson wrote:
> > As a security precaution I'd like to be able to access my Postgres
> > Database and back it up as part of a cronjob perhaps. But I can't
> > seem to find the Cobalt perl file that defines the database name
> > used and the password.
> >
> > Any help would be grately appreciated.

Hi there!

Download patch 9198 for raq4 and look for /usr/local/sbin/cobalt_prebackup and
cobalt_postbackup.  These will can dump the cobalt postgres postgres database
to /var/cobalt/backups so that it may be restored later.  There are also
scripts to sync quota information in postgres with the OS and to integrate
with 3rd party backup systems, like Arkeia, NetWorker, and NetBackup.

