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Re: [cobalt-security] Re: Portsentry, ipchains and pmfirewall

> Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 09:46:04 +1300
> From: Render-Vue <sales@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> So what's the recommendation on this set-up if the rules set
> gets screwed?  I know when testing new rules we comment the

That's where some advocate a delay before loading rules.  If
screwed, reboot, log in before the rules kick in, and do what you

> line out and test manually - but there is the chance that after
> uncommenting the line and rebooting the ruleset gets
> corrupt/screwed or you realise that you made a mistake :<

If you're worried about that, you probably want a delay.  I
don't commit rules until I'm convinced that they're good, and I
don't edit the startup script directly.

I feel that it's better to change behavior to facilitate no-delay
rule loading, rather than require delayed rule loading due to

> I'm I been parnoid (hee hee)

Paranoid is good. :-)

> Regards
> Chae


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