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[cobalt-security] chkrootkit

Hi List

Just a little inquiry (im new be nice)

On a raq2 i run chkrootkit, have got it going, managed to stop it picking up the kernel version on lkm.

But i get this.
Searching for anomalies in shell history files... Warning: `//root/.bash_history' file size is zero
nothing found.

After looking in the archives i came across this and only this.

Perhaps. On my RaQ4, with the latest upgrades, the .bash_history file is NOT zero, and does not get zeroed-out on ssh login either to admin (with or without su to root) or ssh login directly to root.

The raq2 has the latest patches.

Should i be worried about this??? or is it something simple like the file is not getting written to? if so can anyone point me in the right direction on how to fix this (i don't mind reading).

Thanks in Adavnce (very helpful list by the way)
