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Re: [cobalt-security] Portsentry, ipchains and pmfirewall

> Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 01:12:54 +0300
> From: Eugene Crosser <crosser@xxxxxxxxxxx>

> This sould have been some other problem.  SSH session does not die
> if firewall blocks the packets, at least for 10 minutes or somesuch,
> that is TCP keepalive period.  Things *may* (fail to) work the way
> you say if you use 'REJECT' target instead of 'DENY', and only if you
> are unlucky.

The "unlucky" bit is why I redirect stdin and stderr to /dev/null
and also append an ampersand to put the process in the

As for reject vs. deny, I say reject.  The RFC (I forget the
number) specifies that a closed TCP port should send an RST, and
not just ignore the packet.  Unless one wishes to attempt to
obfuscate a server's existence, it's much better to reject
instead of leaving clients hanging.

> Of course if we are speaking about debugging new rulesets, the more
> robust you make your recovery tool the better.  Especially if your
> server is in a datacenter on the other side of the Earth ;)  When
> you have debugged the ruleset and it is known to work right, I vote
> for activating it immediately after reboot, without delays.  Otherwise,
> the bad guy who knows that there is an open window after reboot may
> try to trick you into rebooting (social engineering, DoS attack, ...)
> to use it and get inside.


> (Yeah, right.  Paranoia.  That's part of my job :-)
> Eugene


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