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: [cobalt-security] [RaQ4] Good logchecker.ignore file for RaQ4i

I had the exact same issue when I ran Logcheck. I noticed that every 15 min SWATCH would open an FTP port then close it then it would give me a mail error. I could not figure out what it was doing. I check the FTP log and seen that no file left or came in while SWATCH opened the port. Here is a sample below;
Jan 28 01:00:01 www proftpd[27107]: www.xxxx.com (localhost[]) - FTP session opened.
Jan 28 01:00:01 www proftpd[27107]: www.xxxx.com (localhost[]) - FTP session closed.
Jan 28 01:00:03 www sendmail[27110]: NOQUEUE: localhost [] did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to MTA
This is just a sample. This happened every 15 min. is my loopback address. I found an entry in my crontab file that called SWATCH every 15 min. I basically put a # in front of it, restarted crond and everything stopped.
Can anyone shed any light on this? Other than my log files are now quiet I have noticed no difference since I remarked out the command
Chris Williams