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Re: : [cobalt-security] [RaQ4] Good logchecker.ignore file for RaQ4i

At 03:10 AM 1/30/2002, you wrote:
I had the exact same issue when I ran Logcheck. I noticed that every 15 min SWATCH would open an FTP port then close it then it would give me a mail error. I could not figure out what it was doing. I check the FTP log and seen that no file left or came in while SWATCH opened the port. Here is a sample below;
Jan 28 01:00:01 www proftpd[27107]: www.xxxx.com (localhost[]) - FTP session opened.
Jan 28 01:00:01 www proftpd[27107]: www.xxxx.com (localhost[]) - FTP session closed.
Jan 28 01:00:03 www sendmail[27110]: NOQUEUE: localhost [] did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to MTA
This is just a sample. This happened every 15 min. is my loopback address. I found an entry in my crontab file that called SWATCH every 15 min. I basically put a # in front of it, restarted crond and everything stopped.
Can anyone shed any light on this? Other than my log files are now quiet I have noticed no difference since I remarked out the command
Chris Williams

The purpose of the entry is to check and see if your ftp server is working.  Duh.  Where do you think the info come from in the System Status screen of the GUI????

You can get it to stop being sent in your report by adding the following to your logcheck.ignore file.

in.proftpd*: connect from localhost
in.proftpd.*: connect from
proftpd.*: www.yourdomain.com(localhost*)  #replace the yourdomain with your domain

I think the first two will stop it.

I'd send my entire file, but I don't want it posted for all.