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Re: AW: [cobalt-security] Unofficial PHP 4.1.2 PKG available

On Mon, Mar 04, 2002 at 10:17:57AM -0500, MikeM wrote:
> Your package has been removed from my system.
> I will now avoid any package or software that has you as part of the development team.  I do not like spyware, I do not use software that contains spyware, and I do not trust people who place spyware in their packages.

Aw don't be so hard on him ;) He just tried to help... I think,
at least _now_ he tells.

And then again, where's the spyware in that package???
Oh wait, you meant the e-mailing stuff, so that'd make the package
spyware. Which is not, because Sun Cobalt actually tells developers
how they can make use of the register_me functionality. 
So you should trash your RaQ because then Cobalt places `spyware'
in their own products, oh and wait, they advertise it as well, they
encourage programmers, omg! conspiracy :)

Here's a good tip, next time when you download a package
first untargz it and look for nifty register_me scripts or something.

Sorry that that sounded a bit harsh, no flame intended, I guess I've
just seen enough of everyone saying `hey pal, get lost with your spyware'.
We know now, so let's all (including me!) get back on topic.
