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Re: Cobalt-bashing (Re: [cobalt-security] SUN don't care about security update ?)

> Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 21:30:06 -0800
> From: Paul Jacobs <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> I have a BMW 330 I 2001 Dinian with 275 HP on an IN-LINE 6 Cyl., that runs 
> just as well as the Mercedes,better if you ask me, but I did not have to 
> pay an extra $30,000 just for the star on the front of the car, and the 
> name Mercedes, when a BMW works just as good for much less.

Without going too OT for too long:

1) Inline sixes are indeed smooth.
2) Older [turbo]diesel Mercedes are the run-forever cars to which
   I was referring.  If you s/Mercedes/BWM/ -- fine.  Both will
   drive and hold up better than, say... a Ford Tempo.

> Are saying you get what you pay for?.

Yes.  The RaQ -- of which I'm _not_ at all fond -- is a low-end
appliance.  It's meant to hold someone's hand through the basics.
It's not intended to be the GUI to beat all GUIs.

I do agree, however, that timelier patches would be nice.

But, again... re custom configs and support... will MS support
non-MS software on Windows, as in the examples I gave (and
snipped in this message)?  No.  Why do you expect differently
from another vendor?

> Microsoft and oracle have all but killed sun, because they refuse to accept 
> change, and TRY to get over on companys because "WERE SUN", yes they may 

Yes, it's interesting how HP, DEC/Compaq, and SGI have all worked
with Intel at some level... but not Sun.

> have won the battle with Microsoft, but the war is far from over... after 
> oracle dumped sun like a bad script that was like nailing the coffin 
> shut... you agree or not?

Interesting.  I ask about the "unix/linux community at large" and
get drivel about Sun.  You are correct that the war is far from
over... and I'll just wait for the outcome.

If Sun were to fall off the face of the planet, I'd expect
Fujitsu and others to begin pushing SPARC more heavily.

Note that Oracle isn't exactly pursuing Win2000, either.


I think that there's room for BSD, Netware, Solaris[1], and even
Linux and Win2000.  Each has its place.

[1] One might argue OSF/1 and offspring, AIX, HPUX, IRIX, etc. in
    addition to (or place of) Solaris.  I'll acknowledge this,
    but try to stay brief.

I'll refrain from dragging these threads out any more unless
others show interest.  Most anything and everything that has been
said, will be said, or could be said, is probably in the archives
already. ;-)


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