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Re: Cobalt-bashing (Re: [cobalt-security] SUN don't care about security update ?)

At 08:20 PM 3/20/2002, you wrote:
> Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 17:06:52 -0800
> From: Paul Jacobs <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Substantial snipping throughout...

> But This appliance comes with a support contract when you buy
> it, but to work on custom config's is an extra fee?

Where would you draw the line on what to support or not to
support?  Will MS support PostgreSQL on Win2000?  Or WPWin on
WinME?  If you replace progman.exe, winfile.exe, and command.com
on a DOS/WFW box, will they support that?  (As much as I liked
Dashboard back in those days, too many installs would attempt to
open DDE sessions to progman when installing...)

> That is the main selling point with the sun cobalt boxes....  you don't
> have to know anything, it's all script driven from a browser... the
> script's just don't work very well.

Yes, it's a low-end box.  If you buy a small, light-duty car, it
won't run like a Mercedes.  (Anyone want to sell a 300SDL? ;-)

I have a BMW 330 I 2001 Dinian with 275 HP on an IN-LINE 6 Cyl., that runs just as well as the Mercedes,better if you ask me, but I did not have to pay an extra $30,000 just for the star on the front of the car, and the name Mercedes, when a BMW works just as good for much less.

Are saying you get what you pay for?.

> So, they take advantage of the little guy because he is to DUMB to work
> there box???, great first impression... no wonder the unix/linux community
> at large is failing.

Okay, I'll feed the troll.  Please elaborate and substantiate
that one...

Microsoft and oracle have all but killed sun, because they refuse to accept change, and TRY to get over on companys because "WERE SUN", yes they may have won the battle with Microsoft, but the war is far from over... after oracle dumped sun like a bad script that was like nailing the coffin shut... you agree or not?


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Paul Jacobs /Senior Network Eng.
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