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Re: [cobalt-security] SUN don't care about security update ?

"Paul Jacobs" <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >Re-read the marketing materials.  I think the purpose is very clear and I
> >think that the RaQs are fit to do what is described.  IANAL, but I think
> >may be reading a lot more into the promises than are really there.
> That's the one BIG problem us tech's have with you paper pushers MR.
> President of your company....

Paul, I assume you're referring to me.  Apparently you don't know what my
background is.  I wear a lot of different hats, but most of my business is
as a web programmer, server administrator and consultant in the internet
field and I personally handle nearly 100% of Befriend's business in those
areas.  I *am* a tech.  If you have free time, you can search the archives
of any of the 3 Cobalt lists and see that I do get down and dirty
administering the servers and building software and that I know a thing or
two in both areas.

> You will go out and buy some program or equipment bring it to us tech's
> say "Make it work..., I don't care how you do it, but you can not spend
> more money on it until it starts making us money".

Sure, there are folks out there like that.  But I'm not one of them.

> What would you say if the roles were reversed???

I'm not sure what roles you're referring to.  3 years ago I bought my first
Cobalt RaQ server.  I was fairly new to *nix.  I did my homework and decided
it was the best solution for me at the time since I was trying to grow a
hosting and development business and I knew I wasn't ready to manage a
standard Linux server from the shell.  I knew some (not all) of the
limitations of the RaQs, I knew my own limitations and I worked quickly to
fill the gap.  Hosting is no longer a core part of my business, but 3 years
later I'm still running Cobalt servers and I provide services to Cobalt
owners worldwide.  Perhaps my expectations are different from the norm.  I
don't know.  I think Sun doesn't fully disclose what is required to run a
successful, full-featured, professional hosting operation, but I don't think
that's their responsibility.  I'm allowed that opinion.  I could name off
dozens of products that one can buy that require significant non-inherent
skills to master, but aren't pointed out by the makers of the product.  We
all have different backgrounds, different needs and see things differently.
And we're all entitled to our opinions.  I think everyone who has
participated in this thread has some valid points, but I think much of this
thread has been driven by unfounded expectations and ignorance about how
things work.  This topic isn't a holy war to me and this thread is starting
to consume too much of my time so I'm going to bow out after this post.  I
wish everyone who's dissatisfied with Sun or anything else the best of luck.
See you all on list in other threads...

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC