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Way, *way* OT: Re: [cobalt-security] SUN don't care about security update ?


> That's the one BIG problem us tech's have with you paper pushers MR. 
> President of your company....

Speak for yourself. I do not identify with you, even if I *am* a tech guy *and* co-president of our company. I do not push paper and you almost got me to feel offended by that statement.

You have absolutely no grounds for taking it out on Steve like that and you know it.

> You will go out and buy some program or equipment bring it to us tech's and 
> say "Make it work..., I don't care how you do it, but you can not spend any 
> more money on it until it starts making us money".

If you have troubles with your boss, take it up with him or her, not with Steve or any of us publicly on this list. Better yet, start your own company, use FreeBSD or whatever you like and go be happy.

> What would you say if the roles were reversed???

I know what *I* would do, but it seems it would be the opposite of what you're doing right now. Yes, that's a hint.

Bye... Nico