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Re: [cobalt-security] quick opensshd question

> Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 15:54:21 +0900
> From: Timothy Reiner <timothy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

(moderate snipping)

> We're using Putty to login to the server remotely (for updating
> cgi-files, etc.).  Yesterday, when one of our users tried to
> log in, he was given the message "warning - the remote server's
> key fingerprint has changed . . . "

Any chance that you generated a new key on the server?  Maybe
during an upgrade?

If not, it does sound like a man-in-the-middle attack.  PuTTY is
seeing a different public key than what it has memorized.

Ask him what PuTTY shows as the public key.  See if it matches
ones that you've used, or if it's something totally different.


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