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Re: [cobalt-security] quick opensshd question

on 3-25-02 12:27 PM, E.B. Dreger at eddy+public+spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx was
reported to have made a statement that said this:

>> Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 15:54:21 +0900
>> From: Timothy Reiner <timothy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> (moderate snipping)
>> We're using Putty to login to the server remotely (for updating
>> cgi-files, etc.).  Yesterday, when one of our users tried to
>> log in, he was given the message "warning - the remote server's
>> key fingerprint has changed . . . "
> Any chance that you generated a new key on the server?  Maybe
> during an upgrade?
> If not, it does sound like a man-in-the-middle attack.  PuTTY is
> seeing a different public key than what it has memorized.
> Ask him what PuTTY shows as the public key.  See if it matches
> ones that you've used, or if it's something totally different.
Or if it is the first time logging in you will get this.
Thank you,
David E Thurman
The Web Presence Group