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RE: [cobalt-security] PortSentry 2.0b1 Beta released

Gerald Waugh wrote:

> What does it do thats NEW?

Well, a cursory glance at the ChangeLog for this version shows that the most
important change of all is that the "Classic", or binding, mode has been
removed. That should get rid (I say should... but!) of all the "Help! I
scanned my system and I've got X Y and Z trojans on my system" messages we
see here on a reasonably regular basis.

Apart from that, it appears to be cleaner (code-wise), uses normal BPF
filtering if necessary, is aware of ECN (if you've come across this you'll
know what it means), everything is in the config file, yadda yadda yadda.

Other than that, it's still PortSentry. All it does is watches defined ports
on your machine and react if necessary in whatever way you define. Does it
need to do anything else???

Graeme Fowler
System Administrator
Host Europe Group PLC