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Re: [cobalt-security] newbie question about dhcp/bootp server..

> Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 14:48:58 -0400
> From: Bryan Housel <bryan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> I got a call from my ISP complaining that my raq3 is running a
> dhcp server which is interfering with their network, and they
> want me to disable it.. 

Tell them to fix their network.

> 1. Is this normal

If you don't need it, you shouldn't run it.

> 2. could it cause problems with other machines on their network

On a broken network.

Here's the deal.  DHCP broadcasts on the local ethernet segment.
If your RaQ is on the same segment, run away screaming... as I
have posted several times, and will do so on a separate line in
all caps:


If not, people can sniff traffic, steal IP addresses, et cetera.
Networks that can't handle broken customer configs are BROKEN.

If they do have you in a VLAN, then why are they forwarding
UDP/67 and UDP/68 between networks??

> 3. if so, how do i turn it off?

What do you have in


that looks like "dhcp", "dhcpd", or "isc"?  I presume that's
where it's being enabled, but I hate to assume.

Quick fix is

	killall -9 dhcpd

but you probably don't want it popping up whenever you reboot.
And, again, demand a private ethernet segment.


Brotsman & Dreger, Inc. - EverQuick Internet Division
Phone: +1 (316) 794-8922 Wichita/(Inter)national
Phone: +1 (785) 865-5885 Lawrence

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