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Re: [cobalt-security] newbie question about dhcp/bootp server..

On Thursday 11 April 2002 02:48 pm, Bryan Housel wrote:
> I got a call from my ISP complaining that my raq3 is running a dhcp server
> which is interfering with their network, and they want me to disable it..
> I didn't realize that the raqs had this service enabled, and i'm not sure
> how to check to see if it is running, or how to disable it (ps -ef didnt
> turn up anything really suspicious).. I ran a port scanner on my machine
> and it did turn up these:
> 67/tcp     filtered    bootps
> 68/tcp     filtered    bootpc
> 1. Is this normal
> 2. could it cause problems with other machines on their network
> 3. if so, how do i turn it off?

chkconfig --list | grep dhcpd
If it is on run
chkconfig --level 345 dhcpd off
This will stop it from turning on during boot up
now run
/etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd stop
this will turn it off 

Gerald Waugh : Registered Linux user # 255245
Front Street Networks LLC - ph. 203.785.0699
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