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Re: [cobalt-security] newbie question about dhcp/bootp server..

Bryan Housel wrote:

> > What do you have in
> >
> >       /etc/rc.d/init.d
> >
> > that looks like "dhcp", "dhcpd", or "isc"?  I presume that's
> > where it's being enabled, but I hate to assume.
> nah, i checked and dhcpd is definitely not running on the box..
> I thought that the RaQs used bootp for some things (like the OS restore CD),
> which runs on the same ports as dhcp..

True, but that is a RaQ running as a bootp *client*, not a server.  AFAIK, dhcp
as a server and service is not enabled on the RaQs, and there is no UI element
to enable it.  Every once in a while over here in our engineering network, some
engineer/SQA tester/sales person mistakenly enables dhcp on a Qube 3 and puts
it on the network, and it's a pain to find and disable.  The Qube 3 does have a
dhcp server enable in the UI.  So, I could believe a Qube being misconfigured,
but not a RaQ.

- Lyle