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[cobalt-security] glibc update & other patches

Hi Group,

First I want to take a second and thank many of you
guys for your fine help and assistance during these
crunch times when vulnerabilities and exploits go
loop-y in the wild. Michael, Steve, Tom, Chris, and
Taco (and others) have been my saving grace more than
once with your contributions to us RaQ owners.  When
the vendor is somewhat slow to the mark, you guys have
stepped in to save the day on more than one
occasion... and for that I sincerely thank you all.. 

I have a question and was wondering what everyone's
input would be regarding the glibc update 4.0.1 file
available from Cobalt.

I've patched my RaQ3 with all the available
updates/patches to that point of glibc (actually I
skipped the DNS Update 4.0.1 as well because I'm using
the secure BIND from UK2). But I've held off on
installing the glibc pkg because I know it's caused
some users problems with memory issues. I'm not
running mySQL or PHP on my systems, just a plain old
RaQ3, but I'm growing concerned over how to proceed
regarding the patches that have followed glibc.
Particalrly, if by skipping the glibc patch, will the
other patches/updates encounter problems. I know
Cobalt is planing on releasing new Apache updates on
Friday, and I figured I'd put my nose to the grind
stone and install the previous updates on Friday;

Duplicate Email Alias 4.0.1
Update: Security Bundle 4.0.1

Then on Sat (if no problems creep in), I was going to
go for the Apache update. But I'm a little worried
about possible problems with any of these updates if I
skip the glibc pkg and/or other issues that I might
encounter by not including that one. I'm just not real
excited about some of the things I heard about issues
surrounding that patch (systems needing rebooted every
xx hours and such), so I figured I'd skip it.. Does
anyone see any potential problems with my proposed
upgrade path by leaving out the glibc pkg. 

Any feed back would be greatly appreciated..


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