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Re: [cobalt-security] glibc update & other patches

On Wednesday 26 June 2002 8:32 pm, Barbara wrote:

> I've patched my RaQ3 with all the available
> updates/patches to that point of glibc (actually I
> skipped the DNS Update 4.0.1 as well because I'm using
> the secure BIND from UK2). But I've held off on

Do you mean Rupert Perry's chrooted bind package that was mentioned on the 
uk2raq mailing list?

> installing the glibc pkg because I know it's caused
> some users problems with memory issues. I'm not
> running mySQL or PHP on my systems, just a plain old
> RaQ3, but I'm growing concerned over how to proceed
> regarding the patches that have followed glibc.
> Particalrly, if by skipping the glibc patch, will the
> other patches/updates encounter problems. I know
> Cobalt is planing on releasing new Apache updates on
> Friday, and I figured I'd put my nose to the grind
> stone and install the previous updates on Friday;
> Duplicate Email Alias 4.0.1
> Update: Security Bundle 4.0.1
> Then on Sat (if no problems creep in), I was going to
> go for the Apache update. But I'm a little worried
> about possible problems with any of these updates if I
> skip the glibc pkg and/or other issues that I might
> encounter by not including that one. I'm just not real
> excited about some of the things I heard about issues
> surrounding that patch (systems needing rebooted every
> xx hours and such), so I figured I'd skip it.. Does
> anyone see any potential problems with my proposed
> upgrade path by leaving out the glibc pkg.

I personally have installed the glibc pkg on 35 raqs without any problems. The 
one thing I make sure I do, however, is NOT reboot through the gui. In fact, 
I never install the pkgs through the gui either.
I wget the pkgs first, e.g.

wget -c ftp://ftp.cobalt.sun.com/bleh.pkg

then install them on the command line too:

/usr/local/sbin/cobalt_upgrade bleh.pkg

Once that is done (make sure you do them in order, going up the page)
And the important bit, don't reboot using the gui, try:

/sbin/shutdown -rf now

That will start a reboot (not shutdown), and skip the e2fsck disk checks that 
can so often cause problems (because more serious problems can cause e2fsck 
to need a root password to log in and that's not fun on a remotely admined 
machine, but if you have access to the machine, then it's not a problem, just 
need a serial cable and a terminal program...)
I personally don't reboot until all the updates are done, and haven't had 
problems doing this even with a big list of updates, but probably not a good 
thing to do. The other advantage to doing it on the command line is that it's 
somewhat more verbose, so you can see what is going on and if a package 
fails, why (with more info than the gui gives you).
Tom Worley,              Worley Web Solutions
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