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Re: [cobalt-security] RaQ3-RaQ4-OpenSSH-3.4p1-1.pkg

Hi David,

> I would've installed through the shell, but I figured I probably couldn't
> update SSH via SSH.

You can actually update SSH from SSH. I do it all the time. To solve the 
problem here do the following:

SSH into your server, su to root. Issue the following command:

rm /var/lib/cobalt/openssh*.md5lst

That will delete the GUI listfile for the OpenSSH presently installed. It'll 
not remove OpenSSH itself.

Then use /usr/local/sbin/cobalt_upgrade NAME.pkg to install the PKG file, 
where NAME is the package name. 

At the end of the SSH-PKG install SSHd will be restarted, but your connection 
will not drop.

Sorry about those GUI installation problems. I can't figure out why that 
appears to happen all the time with that particular RaQ3 and RaQ4 package. 


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / With best regards

Michael Stauber
Unix/Linux Support Engineer