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Re: [cobalt-security] Apache pkgs

Thanks. I wonder why the Qube2 package is not mentioned on SunSolve?
Also, The RaQ4 package (and the one prior to this) are listed as
'System', but are really 'Security'. Wonder what happened there...

lør, 2002-06-29 kl. 02:17 skrev Rene Hendrix:
> G'evening.
> As many of you know, Sun Cobalt promised to have .pkg's out
> for Apache by 6/28. Right now I'm happy to let all of you
> know that the pkgs are now available via ftp and via SunSolve
> (http://sunsolve.sun.com/patches/cobalt).
> Ftp Location:
> ftp://ftp.cobalt.sun.com/pub/packages/raq2/eng/RaQ2-All-Security-4.0.1-15417.pkgftp://ftp.cobalt.sun.com/pub/packages/raq3/eng/RaQ3-All-Security-4.0.1-15417.pkgftp://ftp.cobalt.sun.com/pub/packages/raq4/eng/RaQ4-All-Security-2.0.1-15417.pkgftp://ftp.cobalt.sun.com/pub/packages/raqxtr/eng/RaQXTR-All-Security-1.0.1-15417.pkg
> ftp://ftp.cobalt.sun.com/pub/packages/qube2/eng/Qube2-All-Security-4.0.1-15417.pkg
> ftp://ftp.cobalt.sun.com/pub/packages/qube3/ml/Qube3-All-Security-4.0.1-15417.pkg
> md5sums:
> 74ccd9289fee962157d864d9bcacb203  RaQ2-All-Security-4.0.1-15417.pkg
> c2f015c6a1e3768f95df86c42940cbcf  RaQ3-All-Security-4.0.1-15417.pkg
> d4055016dca256af3070c866cde2bcae  RaQ4-All-Security-2.0.1-15417.pkg
> 7b39f8e90d8166c30858b2ec926fcd6c  RaQXTR-All-Security-1.0.1-15417.pkg
> 49cd8c41d95bbe9231d0677e59d99ac6  Qube2-All-Security-4.0.1-15417.pkg
> 37c42c16924f7d03910db3bac5b0b2dc  Qube3-All-Security-4.0.1-15417.pkg
> Have a good weekend.
> -Rene
> -- 
> Rene Hendrix
> Sun Cobalt Server Appliances
> rene.hendrix@xxxxxxx
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Martin Moeller
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