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RE: [cobalt-security] Apache pkgs

Thanks for the info.  On a side note, I usually try rpm -U before I use
an rpm -i --force.  In theory it's a little safer.  I think this is
because it cleans up anything that was in the old package and not in the
new, but I'm not positive on that.

The -U stands for upgrade by the way.

Matthew Nuzum

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cobalt-security-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cobalt-security-
> admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of D. Yates Buckley
> Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 7:38 AM
> To: cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [cobalt-security] Apache pkgs
> Hello,
> Sorry for this silly post, but it might help someone searching for
> problems... It would have helped me!
> When I installed the packages:
>  RaQ4-All-Security-2.0.1-15417.pkg , RaQ4-All-Security-2.0.1-14559.pkg
>  RaQ4-All-System-2.0.1-14185.pkg , RaQ4-All-Security-2.0.1-13323.pkg
> On one raq I found that my PHP had been downgraded from the pkgmaster
> 4.1.2
> to a 4.0.1
> so all my code would work in very very bizarre ways. Indeed I lost a
> trying to debug
> php till I tried uploading a php_info and noted the downgrade.
> I installed pkgmaster's php on top and all was well, for some reason
> raq did not
> require a rpm -i --force of the contents of the pkgs above.
> On another raq httpd dissappeared, and would not restart complaining
> Zend:
> Failed loading /usr/local/Zend/lib/ZendOptimizer.so:
> /usr/local/Zend/lib/ZendOptimizer.so: undefined symbol:
> Here I wasted the better half of a morning with all sites down! Ugh...
> Basically I did the following and it seems to work happily:
> (I assume all the above pkgs are installed)
> - Comment out modules from httpd.conf (php, mysql_auth...)
> - Restart httpd or keep commenting things out till finally httpd
> - Now stop httpd
> - Download the pkgmaster php version
> - tar -zxvf RaQ4-PHP-4.1.2-3.pkg somewhere
> - rpm -i --force the RPMS in there
> - Remove comments from php in httpd.conf, make sure php.ini has
>   Zend and other odd things commented out as well.. checking logfiles.
> I am left with an old ZendOptimiser that will not work, but everything
> else
> seems fine now.
> Note: that the functions trim() and preg_match_all() both are
> from 4.0.1 to 4.2.1, if you
> get this error you need to install the pkgmaster.com 4.2.1 version.
> I hope this helps someone go through the upgrade with less panick that
> did.
> Yates Buckley,
> Technical Director, Unit9 Ltd.
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