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Re: [cobalt-security] php on cobalt?

> You don't need to rebuild apache to install php. Just do a source install of
> php with the --something directives. Search the archives on php install on
> raq3 and you should have enough reading to last all day:) Pretty straight
> forward if you have done source installs of other programs on your raq. You
> are just adding a DSO to apache.

well, I need the directory where apache is installed, at least the way I normally install PHP :-) This is the commands I use:

cd /usr/src/apache_1.3.27/
./configure --prefix=/etc/httpd/
cd ../php-4.2.3/
./configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.27 --enable-track-vars --with-mysql --with-pgsql
make install
cd ../apache_1.3.27
./configure --prefix=/etc/httpd/ --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a
cd ../php-4.2.3/
cp php.ini-dist /usr/local/lib/php.ini

Apache and PHP sources resides in /usr/src/

Any hints? Cause I´ve compiled Apache and PHP 4 times now, and this is getting anoying...

Kim Emax