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Re: [cobalt-security] ssl and 404 error messages

At 02:48 PM 10/9/2002 +0100, you wrote:

But now, all 404s and other error pages on any site throw up the same browser error saying the cert is not trusted.

Anyone know a way I can get my error msgs back to plain http, not https?

Easiest fix is to remove the image from the 404 error page and any other error pages for that matter.

Look for the files in:

Or you can create your own error pages (and/or let your users create their own)
In srm.conf:

ErrorDocument 401 /cobalt_error/authorizationRequired.html
ErrorDocument 403 /cobalt_error/forbidden.html
# Removed Cobalt 404 Error Page for custom pages for each website
#ErrorDocument 404 /cobalt_error/fileNotFound.html
# Allows clients to make custom 404 pages by creating a file called missing.html in their website.
ErrorDocument 404 /missing.html
ErrorDocument 500 /cobalt_error/internalServerError.html


Brian M. Rahill
RainStorm, Inc.
"Designing Strategies for Internet Success."
Phone: 207-866-3908
Fax: 207-866-0297