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RE: [cobalt-security] bind-8.3.4 is available

Gerald wrote:
> > Well you Macho Man taunt worked and I tried these instructions on my

> > Qube2.  Everything appeared to go well until: ndc restart (which 
> > said)
> > ndc: error: ctl_client: evConnect(fd 3): No such file or directory
> > ndc: error: cannot connect to command channel (/var/run/ndc)
> > ndc: error: ctl_client: evConnect(fd 3): No such file or directory
> > ndc: error: cannot connect to command channel (/var/run/ndc)
> > ndc: error: name server was not running (warning only)

> Is this the first bind 8.x.x on the server, were you running a 4.x.x

Now that I look around the web about it, I do belive the Qube2 was
running Bind4 before. I am stupid enough to have not even know that.
When I saw you mention the Mips I jumped in.

I do have Flex (I checked as per your instructions before install).
When I look at /usr/sbin I see:
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root      3361602 Nov 18 09:44 named
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root         7627 Nov 18 09:44 named-bootconf
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root      2058872 Nov 18 09:44 named-xfer
-rwxr-xr-x   1 bin           147 Feb  7  2001 named.reload
-rwxr-xr-x   1 bin           150 Feb  7  2001 named.restart
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root       265735 Nov 18 09:44 ndc

Not only is ndc new as of today but named is too.  As I said before
since the old named still appears to be running I did not try a full
reboot.  Since it was Bind 4 before have I hosed everything?  Anyone
know how I can fix this. 

Thanks for any ideas.

Michael Aronoff
Calabasas, CA
ma@xxxxxxxx <mailto:ma@xxxxxxxx>