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Re: [cobalt-security] bind-8.3.4 is available

"Michael Aronoff" <ma@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Not only is ndc new as of today but named is too.  As I said before
> since the old named still appears to be running I did not try a full
> reboot.  Since it was Bind 4 before have I hosed everything?  Anyone
> know how I can fix this.
> Thanks for any ideas.

Mike, I haven't tried to install a recent version of Bind on a Qube2, but
you can always remove the files you installed and re-install bind from the
Cobalt RPMs.  I believe you said you installed Bind from source so you may
want to go into the source directory and do:

make -n install

to see what was installed and where.

Then backup /etc/named, /etc/named.conf, etc. to be safe and visit
ftp://ftp.cobalt.com/pub/products/qube2/eng/RPMS/ and download the bind RPMs
for bind and install them using rpm -i.  If necessary use rpm -e to remove
bind first or force the install (see rpm --help).  If any of the RPMs
overwrite your DNS files then copy them back from the backups you made.

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC