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Re: DNS security and spoofing (Re: [cobalt-security] Anyone else get this error?)

EC> Date: 30 Dec 2002 19:39:20 +0300
EC> From: Eugene Crosser

EC> Not really.  That part of my the script only runs once, and

Doing a "dig +norec @xxx . ns" sends UDP-based DNS query 0002.
Looking up an IP address sends UDP-based DNS query 0001.  If the
DNS query IDs generated by each method are comparable, the safety
of each is comparable.

EC> can be omitted alltogether.  Instead, you can (and probably
EC> should) download the key by hand and check the fingerprint
EC> offline (e.g. call friends).

Likewise, one could have a centrally-distributed copy of the
hints file.

Perhaps one should automate downloading the new hints file, let
a script/program compare them, then send a message if material
changes are detected.  An admin can verify the contents manually,
then commit the changes.  Distribute to other nameservers via a
trustworthy protocol, thus minimizing duplicate effort.

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