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[cobalt-security] Trying to determine why RAQ4R rebooted

Hi all,

Last night at 8.26pm my RAQ4R rebooted. My co locater says there was no
power outage or any reason from their end that a reboot would have been
caused. I did nothing to the server, I wasn't even logged in. All
services are running fine this morning and the only place I really
'know' to have a look is the last log -

reboot   system boot  2.2.16C32_III    Mon Jan 20 20:26          (14:03)

I have also run top, df -h, logged in, who, netstat, ps aux and looked
for weird files/directories. Chkrootkit-0.38 was all clean with a fresh
install also.

Could someone please help me track down why this reboot occurred? Is
there a specific log file or process I can take to track it down.

The system has only been OS restored 1 month ago and all patches are up
to date. I only run openwebmail, webalizer, interbase, mysql, 50 virtual
sites, 5 ASP db sites and three sites with Thawte SSL certs.

Any help or ideas greatly appreciated.

Todd Kirk