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[cobalt-security] Slapper Infection?

Ok I could use some help...

I ran my chkrootkit 39a and it came out with

Checking `slapper'... Warning [I can't remember.]

[Sorry, it scrolled off my screen]

So I ran chkrootkit 38 (because it was there). And it also showed the same
Plus a LKM warning [also off the screen]

Next I run scan.slapper-worm from
### Apache/mod_ssl Worm log scanner
### Glen Scott <glen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
That I had on there from the days when slapper was a problem.
Nothing detected.

Next I run "ps auwx | grep httpd" from "Tom Sands" <tsands@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Posted
by fragga (9/24/2002)
Nothing unusual.

Next I ran "chkrootkit -x" and that was to much info for me to make use.

I ran chkrootkit again, and now both the slapper and lkm don't show up. Even if
I do:
chkrootkit slapper
chkrootkit lkm

I have OpenSSH Release 3.4p1-PM4
And latest patches from Sun and pkgmaster

Please someone have any suggestions??
I do know one thing now.. >> to file.. when running these scans

Thanks in advance.
