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[cobalt-security] port scan port 1081 rst

Hi Guys,
I got some wierd notification about a port scan.
What is port 1081 what is it used for.
Did the hacker do a rst to try and avoid detection, or did my server do a rst to his connection.
I am a little lost.
This is the mail I got.
This alert notification is to inform you of network activity occurring on
your host.

Timestamp: Wed 07 May 2003 03:56:06 AM IST
Alert Type: Port Scan Detected
Interface: eth0
Protocol: tcp
Packet Size (bytes): 40

Source Address: my.ip.address
Source port: 1081
Direction: outbound
Destination Address:
Destination Port: 4427

Log Entry: eth0:portscan: tcp my.ip.address/1081 -> 40 rst (18)
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