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[cobalt-security] Apache + mod_perl + AuthDBI

Hi There,
I'm having problem using apache with mod_perl (1.25) + AuthDBI in a Raq4i. I instaled DBI, DBD-MySQL, DBD-InterBase, Apache::DBI and Apache::AuthDBI.
In my http.conf I added the following (for all sites):
PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlModule Apache::AuthDBI
In the .htaccess file:

AuthName DBI
AuthType Basic
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthDBI::authen
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_data_source   dbi:mysql:XXXX
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_username      XXXX
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_password      XXXX
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_pwd_table     XXXX
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_uid_field       XXXX
PerlSetVar Auth_DBI_pwd_field     XXXX
require valid-user

I can authenticate as any local system user, such as admin, which was not supposed to happen, but I can't authenticate using a database user. The server seens to be ignoring AuthDBI. If I try to authenticate using a database user I get the following error:
[Thu Jul 24 03:05:10 2003] [error] access to /home/sites/home/web/test failed for xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, reason: AuthPamExternal [/usr/lib/authenticate]: Failed (1) for user xxxxx
Also I tried to use "AuthPAM_FallThrough on" once and "AuthPAM_Enabled off" but it did not worked out. The apache is allways using pam_external_auth_module, even if I set "AuthPAM_Enabled off".
I'm using AuthDBI on others RedHat boxes and I never found any trouble like this.
Any ideas/thoughts ?!? Any help would be appreciate.
Thank you,