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Re: [cobalt-security] Apache + mod_perl + AuthDBI

Nino schrieb:

> Hi There,
> I'm having problem using apache with mod_perl (1.25) + AuthDBI in a
> Raq4i. I instaled DBI, DBD-MySQL, DBD-InterBase, Apache::DBI and
> Apache::AuthDBI.

maybe incompatible Perl Versions ???

why don't you use *AuthMysql* , which is far more easy without the need
of slow and freaky Perl ?
look at: http://www.polestar.org/auth_mysql/USAGE.html

Another exception is to look in *httpd.conf* about the ORDER of the
moduls. Also take a look if DBI/DBD is installed
properly on the RaQ4i. Check the logs for errors:





Götz Lohmann  |  D-Mannheim  |  Web-Developer & Sys-Admin
He's the fellow that people wonder what he does and why
the company needs him, until he goes on vacation.