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Re: [cobalt-security] Raq3 attempt of OpenSSL Fix

> look at httpd.conf and see if these modules are being loaded twice!

Yes, I search each of these modules and I have each of them 3 times. But I 
guess they are all necessary. The first time they appear is under LoadModule, 
then under AddModule and finally under Include, for instance:

<IfModule mod_jserv.c>
             Include /etc/httpd/conf/jserv/jserv.conf

Should I remove the include?

> > # /etc/rc.d/init.d/admserv start
> > Starting admin web server:
> > Invalid certificates for main site -- Not starting SSL
> > /usr/sbin/httpd
> the above is normal!

Is there a guide somewhere to enable it for raq3?

Thanks a lot.