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Re: [cobalt-security] Re: [cobalt-users] Status of the Cobalt Mailing Lists

At 10:28 PM 5/4/2004 +0200, you wrote:
>> My plan is to shut the cobalt-users, cobalt-security, and
>> lists down on Friday, May 14.
>> Please feel free to send me any comments or questions.  Thanks...
>> -- 
>> ...Craig
>I can understand your point Craig, nevertheless i regret the list dying :-(.

Amen!  The list has been a valuable resource to we who work
with Cobalts regularly.  The Cobalts themselves are reliable,
well-engineered products and I anticipate continuing to use
mine for years more.

>What are we up to now ?? We need a permanent solution !
>Craig.... does this all mean that the chance of releasing patches are
>reduced to zero ? Or can we expect somesort of final OS update or something.
>Just wondering....
>Once again thanks for keeping the list server in the air for such a long
>time in your spare time. Beers on me :-)
>Robbert Hamburg

I agree with everything Robbert says (and his questions, too!)
and would be delighted to offer the second round of beer.  :-)

Craig, you've done a heroic job and it's been truly appreciated.

Dan Keller
San Francisco