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[cobalt-security] Re: Cobalt Lists vs. Cobalt Support

Robbert Hamburg wrote:
> Craig.... does this all mean that the chance of releasing patches are
> reduced to zero ? Or can we expect somesort of final OS update or something.
> Just wondering....

Sun Support has said that there WILL be a "final" OS update,
for each of the end-of-lifed systems (and in the same order)

    (based on http://cobalt-forum.sun.com rumors)

That is, in the order of their announced demise:
RaQ 4, RaQ XTR, Qube 3, SCCS and finally RaQ 550

Then again, these days they can't seem to release a *single*
update without having to recall it... (Apache, ProFTPd, etc)

Officially, the policy is: security patches will be provided
for three years after EOL, similar with forum/knowledgebase.

And they probably won't ever upgrade the actual *versions*
of Apache, PHP, Perl, etc. Just provide security patches.

All new development will have to come from the Open Source
community, based on the opened Qube3 / RaQ550 source code.

BlackSun, Inc.