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[cobalt-security] More Comments on the Lists

A couple thoughts...

I have had various offers to host/move/buy/archive the lists. That is probably not going to happen -- I am sure you can understand the privacy issues involved in releasing 1,500 or so (on cobalt-users alone) email addresses to a third party without those users' permission. All of those people get your messages and have the option to subscribe to any of the community-maintained lists that have already been mentioned.

I also can't give anyone "special" access to the archives or permission to mirror them. They've been publicly available and mirrored for years now and I personally think that is great. I have absolutely no idea what Sun's legal department would say about those mirrors if they ever became an issue.

To those people who feel slighted or abandoned by me or Sun, I apologize. Sun does indeed care about its user and developer communities, and I invite all of you to participate in the many forums that we have available, i.e.:


I know that many of you prefer mailing lists over web forums, but these lists are a holdover from the days of COBT and at some point it just makes sense to integrate them with the rest of the Sun community. If your goal is to influence the future of Sun then I suspect that you will be heard more clearly when you participate in those supported and monitored forums anyway.

The bottom line is that it wasn't me or anyone at Cobalt or Sun that made this group so strong -- the value here is in you guys. I am confident that if everyone will swallow their egos and stick together then the loss of the five year old Linux box that happens to host these lists will not destroy the community you have built over that time.
