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[cobalt-security] Re: Clearing up some things about the lists

One thing that I left unclear in my long-winded discourse... :)

I am very much in favor of the cobalt-* lists being migrated/continued. Ryan 
has "first mover" advantage I think, by setting up 
cobalt-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx and cobalt-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ryan - How about a cobalt-security list as well?  And dare we try a 
cobalt-announce list too? Maybe that's where all the commercial support 
people could announce their products?! :)  Or just to please the curmudgeons, 
we could name it cobalt-spam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx!  =8^O

My statement of support for cobaltfacts was meant as a short term solution for 
people facing indecision on what to do May 15th.  I do not know how long it 
will take to import the cobalt-*@list.cobalt.com message base into 
cobalt-*@list.qbalt.com.  I think that we can use cobaltfacts to keep track 
of the status of that, and then people who wish to use the "new" lists like 
the old ones can do so.

Sorry for any confusion. I *do* think that multiple lists to serve specific 
communities/interests is a good idea. I just don't know how seamless it can 
be in 8 days. :)

So see you on cobaltfacts until the qbalt lists are in place; then I'll be on 
all of them (for whatever that's worth!)...

And I think we're all grown up enough to not worry about a particular list 
hoster adding taglines to all messages.  If that should happen, I think 
people would migrate/complain loudly/etc fairly quickly... it shouldn't 
matter what server the darn thing is running on, right?  :)

Cheers!  I'll be offline all day Thursday - taking a long-planned trip with my 
sister to Six Flags Magic Mountain to ride roller coasters all day.  I'll be 
back online Friday morning...