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[cobalt-security] Declaration of willingness to own the 'new' lists

I, Bruce Timberlake, being of questionable sanity based on my next statement, 
do hereby affirm that it is my intent and desire to assume the helm of the 
mighty cobalt-* lists at their new home on the qbalt server. May all who read 
and post to them tremble before me in my glorious might.

I envision myself as a benevolent ruler who finds himself now entrusted with 
the keys to humanity's very survival itself. It is not a duty I take lightly.

If you will have me as your leader, I swear upon my Royal Orb of Element 27 to 
always make the utmost efforts to ensure everyone who uses those lists is 
treated fairly (or at least knows enough to take their bitch/flame sessions 
offline immediately lest they invoke my wrath and suffer greatly at the hands 
of the multitude).

I will seek timely input and/or action from The Grand Jedi Master Council of 
Wise List Experts (TGJMCWLEs) when issues of RFC compatibility or netiquette 
are raised or violated.

Now, go forth in your newfound tranquility that all will be well in 
CobaltLand, and create unto me a multitude of HOWTOs, FAQs, and other 
reference material, the likes of which have never been seen before, so that 
those who thirst for knowledge may be slaked by the many electronic chapters 
of The Good Cobalt Book (disguised as PDFs, webpages, and wikis of course)... 
or it's Google Cache.

Peace unto you all, and good night.
