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Re: [cobalt-security] Re: Raq3 hacked (was:Support for Cobalt Products)

Audric Leperdi wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michael Zimmermann" <zim@xxxxxxxx>
> > From: Audric Leperdi <aleperdi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >
> > > Luckyly for me, I use bigger iron for my mail servers.
> > > I only use the raq mail server for testing.
> >
> > Excuse me, what do you mean?
> I mean that the POP3 & SMTP server are not RaQ, they are instead huge IBMs.
> sorry translating from italian i used iron as a sinonym of hardware.
> My customers use the RaQ only for HTTP & FTP, mail and DNS are serious
> machines.
> Audric


Just curious but what IBM equipment do you run (we use the AS/400...) ?

Thanks !
