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RE: Support for Cobalt Products (Was: Re: [cobalt-security] kerne l corrupted!)


Expecting quality customer service is not bickering. We have a competent
systems team. And they have found lots of problems and made several
recommendations to Cobalt in the past. The fact that you have not yet had a
problem does not mean you are competent. : )

I hope that when you need support you can find it in your manual fast enough
to fix it to the satisfaction of your customers. Contrary to your
statements, user groups are communities created so that people can help each
other fix problems whether they are equipment related, security related or
customer service related.

I agree that this recent cry for better support and product design is better
suited to cobalt-users, but I don't spend my entire day in newsgroups and
didn't pay attention to the list name. Sorry. In any case, I would have
expected a message from a Cobalt representative in response to the recent
thread to be more like:

"I apologize. I didn't realize that several people felt negatively about our
support department. We take pride in the level of customer support that we
offer as a company. I will personally look into this for you, take your
comments to my supervisor and fellow team members, and see if we can find a
solution to the problems. If you don't mind, I would be interested in
speaking with you again for suggestions as to how we can improve our
customer support department."

Instead, the Cobalt rep asked us to take the conversation elsewhere.

Cobalt may have gotten their product to market first, but companies such as
Dell, IBM and several upstarts are close on their tails and may just offer
better designed products and quality customer service to better meet our
future needs. I like the Cobalt product but I also know that it could be a
lot better. It's the difference between being good and being great.

Ps. Your Cobalt brownie points won't work when you have a simple problem due
and you are forced into the customer support voice mailbox. : )

Wayne@xxxxxxx <mailto:Wayne@xxxxxxx> 

-----Original Message-----
From:	Dan Diehl [SMTP:dan@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent:	Wednesday, June 28, 2000 12:23 PM
To:	cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:	Re: Support for Cobalt Products (Was: Re: [cobalt-security]
kernel corrupted!)

To those complaining,

As with any computer, the end user or system administrator has to assume
some responsibility for the configuration and maintenance of the system. I
believe that the Cobalt Raq3 is a very stable and reliable product if
configured properly and has all the latest package updates installed. I
maintain 4 Raq servers and haven't had one major glitch in any of them that
I could not solve and they have never crashed or lost email. I am surprised
in the amount of silly bickering that is going on in this thread. Keep it up
and you will do nothing but further damage the current support system. Most
of the messages I have read on this user group can be solved by reading the
manuals or getting a competent administrator to run your systems.

This user group should not be used to flame our only support system for a
product that we have all spent good money on, so if you have a complaint,
cry about it somewhere else.


----- Original Message -----
From: Jeff Lovell <jlovell@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <cobalt-security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: Support for Cobalt Products (Was: Re: [cobalt-security] kernel

> Jimmy Gross wrote:
> >
> > I can see that this thread is going to last a few weeks.
> I can see that too.  :(  This is a security list, if we could
> keep the issues at hand to security related issues I would
> appreciate it.  This thread is much better suited for cobalt-users.
> Jeff
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