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[cobalt-users] Re: [cobalt-security] FW: [ISN] [BUGTRAQ] Bug in Bind 9.1.0? (fwd)

Hi All,

This MIPS 2.0.34 kernel is from a RaQ1 or RaQ2 system. 
On the website http://ftp.cobalt.com/pub/packages/raq2/eng/* there is no
new BIND package available for the RaQ1/RaQ2, the bind 8.2.2 update is
included in the OS Update 3.0 package.
I've just tested it on a RaQ2 with the Cobalt-Bind product from OS
Update 3.0 and all works fine.
(please note also: the self-compiled bind 9.1.0 is not supported for the

Kind regards,


Brandon Wheaton wrote:
> Might interest those of you actually installing the DNS upgrade
> on your Cobalt product. Does the Cobalt upgrade use 8.2.3 or 9.1.0?
> Brandon Wheaton
> UNIX Systems Engineer
> ValiCert, Inc.
> 1215 Terra Bella Ave.
> Mountain View, CA 94043
> 650.280.UNIX
> ----
> Sure UNIX is user friendly; it's just picky about who its friends are.
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: Jay D. Dyson <jdyson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 18:05:21 -0800
> > Subject: Re: [ISN] [BUGTRAQ] Bug in Bind 9.1.0? (fwd)
> > To: ISN@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> >
> > Latest named just craps out when nmap scanned.
> > And Vixie wants to charge money for this.
> > I'll just use DJBDNS, thankyouverymuch.
> >
> > FYI, there are other nmap scans that *will* knock over x86
> > systems running
> > BIND.
> >
> >
> > - ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 15:24:45 -0700
> > From: Ben Greenbaum <bgreenbaum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > To: BUGTRAQ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > Subject: Re: [BUGTRAQ] Bug in Bind 9.1.0?
> >
> > Forwarded from a reader who wishes to remain anonymous:
> >
> > - --------------------------------------
> > I just tried nmap O -sT -p 53 on a Cobalt RAQ running Linux
> > 2.0.34 for MIPS, stock out of the box RAQ rented from a colo
> > vendor, with 9.1.0 compiled on that machine, and nameservice
> > stopped responding.  I've only tested this on one RAQ, so it
> > may be something about its config and not a general issue.
> >
> > No flags - it was just ./configure, make, make install.  nmap
> > consistently halts named there.
> >
> > The same command run against 9.1.0 on BSDi 4.0.1 and Linux
> > 2.2.16 (both x86)
> > had no effect.
> > - --------------------------------------
> >
> > Ben Greenbaum
> > Director of Site Content
> > SecurityFocus
> > http://www.securityfocus.com
> >
> > Version: 2.6.2
> > Comment: E-mail me for my PGP Public Key.
> >
> > eCxmFzIFCUym8zvHET8arSK9lYDd8r6LnsgjcZdi3bBJ+zQLfc7AgufS02bX2bb+
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