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[cobalt-security] FW: [ISN] [BUGTRAQ] Bug in Bind 9.1.0? (fwd)

Might interest those of you actually installing the DNS upgrade 
on your Cobalt product. Does the Cobalt upgrade use 8.2.3 or 9.1.0?

Brandon Wheaton
UNIX Systems Engineer 
ValiCert, Inc.
1215 Terra Bella Ave. 
Mountain View, CA 94043 

Sure UNIX is user friendly; it's just picky about who its friends are.

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Jay D. Dyson <jdyson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 18:05:21 -0800
> Subject: Re: [ISN] [BUGTRAQ] Bug in Bind 9.1.0? (fwd)
> To: ISN@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Latest named just craps out when nmap scanned.
> And Vixie wants to charge money for this.
> I'll just use DJBDNS, thankyouverymuch.
> FYI, there are other nmap scans that *will* knock over x86 
> systems running
> - ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 15:24:45 -0700
> From: Ben Greenbaum <bgreenbaum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: BUGTRAQ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [BUGTRAQ] Bug in Bind 9.1.0?
> Forwarded from a reader who wishes to remain anonymous:
> - --------------------------------------
> I just tried nmap O -sT -p 53 on a Cobalt RAQ running Linux 
> 2.0.34 for MIPS, stock out of the box RAQ rented from a colo 
> vendor, with 9.1.0 compiled on that machine, and nameservice 
> stopped responding.  I've only tested this on one RAQ, so it 
> may be something about its config and not a general issue.
> No flags - it was just ./configure, make, make install.  nmap
> consistently halts named there.
> The same command run against 9.1.0 on BSDi 4.0.1 and Linux 
> 2.2.16 (both x86)
> had no effect.
> - --------------------------------------
> Ben Greenbaum
> Director of Site Content
> SecurityFocus
> http://www.securityfocus.com
> Version: 2.6.2
> Comment: E-mail me for my PGP Public Key.
> eCxmFzIFCUym8zvHET8arSK9lYDd8r6LnsgjcZdi3bBJ+zQLfc7AgufS02bX2bb+
> EtiQ5ENF4PLQnyTljwp3k9SBztiILCpUSJJu9FKrGWlQcynruGhR4CGTbaZ6tlbn
> Du/NyETsdwE=
> =hRJG