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Re: [cobalt-security] It's nice

> > yuck....  /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd2 restart
> > This can suck when your logged in via ssh so have fun... I like to start
> > second instance and kill the old one after I have "re-logged in" using
> > new port... then I useally "kill" the original process...
> you can BG the program... /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd2 restart &
> (note the & in the end)
> that way the parent process will die, but the init script will run fine
> till the end...

Yeppers.... been there done that ... however.... some versions will still
disconnect you and I'm trying to perserve the current session(s).  What I
have noticed is that between ssh.com and openssh in some versions, is that
one of them somewhere did a very graceful restart without killing the
session and the rest useally killed it...  So to be safe, I just don't do it
anymore....  I guess I could look at the init scripts a bit more, but I
would rather not depend on them. so... I just ps -auxfw (I can't stop the -)
before and after ...and determine the process in question....  and then I
just kill the one I don't like....

This is a very good routine to pratice so if you get hac*ed and they login,
you are better prepared to watch them and attack them and "defend your
land"...  I find http://www.vandyke.com/ SecureCRT is a good program to
fight from...  that and "killall telnet" can be a big advantage.... among
other things....
