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Re: [cobalt-security] raq3 no admin interface

David Yates Buckley wrote:
> Hello,
> Probably a stupid question but is it normal for $TERM to be linux?
> Thank you,
> >      " echo $TERM " will give back dumb...or something else other than
> >xterm
> >
> >Please note, these tests only work correctly on non-mips processor
> >servers. (You can tell if its mips on telnet login). There was some
> >confusion about this when I posted this test before.
> >
> >We have also determined this to happen when the /var directory has been
> >"wedged". This comes from too much disk space taken by log files.
> >Usually an indication that the log rotation is failing. Make sure your
> >server is updated with all the patches. If you don't have them all this
> >could be the reason its happening. If you cannot access the server at
> >all, contact technical support.
> >
> >--
> >Bill Irwin
> >Technical Support Engineer
> >Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> >_______________________________________________

It should come back as xterm. If you are getting something else, you may
want to do a little digging to find out why and what has changed. One of
the best things you can do is grab the chkrootkit.tar.gz file
ftp://ftp.pangeia.com.br/pub/seg/pac/chkrootkit.tar.gz and check your
system out. 

tar -xvzf chkrootkit.tar.gz
cd into the directory
chmod 755 chkrootkit
./chkrootkit and let it run.

Please note this is - Unsupported by Cobalt!!!

Bill Irwin
Technical Support Engineer
Sun Microsystems, Inc.