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Re: [cobalt-security] raq3 no admin interface

Though this is quite normal, without any outside influence, for a terminal to be linux if you are logging in from a linux console instead of an xterm. Just so you know, a linux terminal is hardly a compromise.

On Friday, June 29, 2001, at 09:29 AM, Bill Irwin wrote:

David Yates Buckley wrote:


Probably a stupid question but is it normal for $TERM to be linux?

Thank you,

     " echo $TERM " will give back dumb...or something else other than

Please note, these tests only work correctly on non-mips processor
servers. (You can tell if its mips on telnet login). There was some
confusion about this when I posted this test before.

We have also determined this to happen when the /var directory has been
"wedged". This comes from too much disk space taken by log files.
Usually an indication that the log rotation is failing. Make sure your
server is updated with all the patches. If you don't have them all this
could be the reason its happening. If you cannot access the server at
all, contact technical support.

Bill Irwin
Technical Support Engineer
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

It should come back as xterm. If you are getting something else, you may
want to do a little digging to find out why and what has changed. One of
the best things you can do is grab the chkrootkit.tar.gz file
ftp://ftp.pangeia.com.br/pub/seg/pac/chkrootkit.tar.gz and check your
system out.

tar -xvzf chkrootkit.tar.gz
cd into the directory
chmod 755 chkrootkit
./chkrootkit and let it run.

Please note this is - Unsupported by Cobalt!!!

Bill Irwin
Technical Support Engineer
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
cobalt-security mailing list

--dave worth                  [   davew@xxxxxxxxxx    ]
Perl Programmer for MIS Inc.  [ http://www.misinc.net ]